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职       称:青年研究员
工  作  室:齐云楼932
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陆文珠,华南理工大学博士,亚洲bet57365游戏大厅青年研究员。主要研究方向为多元雇佣和服务管理。研究成果主要发表在 Journal of Business and Psychology, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Career Development International, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources等期刊。


[1] Lu Wenzhu, Wu Haibo*, Liu Shanshi*, Guo Zisheng, Wu kunjin, 2022. Why customer mistreatment undermined employee performance: the moderating effect of job crafting. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (JCR Q1, ABS G3

[2] Lu Wenzhu, Wu Haibo*, Liu Shanshi*, Sun Bo, 2022. “Render good for evil” or “Take an eye for an eye”? The double-edged sword of customer mistreatment". Journal of Business and Psychology. (JCR Q1, ABS G3) 

[3] Lu Wenzhu, Liu Shanshi*, Wu Haibo, Wu Kunjin, Pei Jialiang, 2022. To avoidance or approach: unraveling  service workers’ job crafting behavior response to daily customer mistreatment at the within -person level. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. (JCR Q1

[4] Lu Wenzhu, Sun bo*, Liu, Shanshi, Yu shengxian, 2022. A Dual-pathway Model for the Effect of Customer Mistreatment on an Employee’s CWBC: Can Job Autonomy Make a Difference? Career Development International. (JCR Q3, ABS G2). 

[5] Liu Shanshi, Qin Chuanyan, Liu Xiaolang, & Lu Wenzhu, 2021. Employment status and counterproductive work behavior: a chain mediating effect in the Chinese context. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources.(JCR Q2, ABS G2

[6] Lu WenzhuLiu Xiaolang*, Liu, Shanshi, Wu haibo*Qin Chuanyan, & Ma Bing, 2022. On the Link Between Job insecurity and counterproductive work behavior: Moderated mediation by employment status and turnover intention. Chinese Management Studies. (JCR Q4)
