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新西兰奥克兰大学Siah Hwee Ang教授学术讲座通知
应亚洲bet57365游戏大厅院长包国宪教授的邀请,新西兰奥克兰大学Siah Hwee Ang教授将来我校发表学术演讲,欢迎广大师生届时参加。
题 目:跨国企业的亚太战略
时 间:4月13日(周五)15:00——17:00
地 点:榆中校区天山堂(教学楼)C201
主讲人:Siah Hwee Ang教授
Siah Hwee Ang教授简介:
Siah Hwee joined the business school in Sep 2003. Before that he spent several years at Cass Business School, City University, London, UK. He also taught at the National University of Singapore Business School, where he completed his PhD. His main research interests are in the fields of corporate strategy, international business strategy and technology strategy. He also has special interests in biotechnology, venture capital, reputation dynamics, evolution of ideas and knowledge, and management research methods. He teaches strategy courses at the executive, postgraduate and undergraduate levels, together with postgraduate research methods. He has worked/is currently working with executives from Fletcher Building, Fairfax Media, TVNZ, and Fonterra.
题 目:跨国企业的亚太战略
时 间:4月13日(周五)15:00——17:00
地 点:榆中校区天山堂(教学楼)C201
主讲人:Siah Hwee Ang教授
Siah Hwee Ang教授简介:
Siah Hwee joined the business school in Sep 2003. Before that he spent several years at Cass Business School, City University, London, UK. He also taught at the National University of Singapore Business School, where he completed his PhD. His main research interests are in the fields of corporate strategy, international business strategy and technology strategy. He also has special interests in biotechnology, venture capital, reputation dynamics, evolution of ideas and knowledge, and management research methods. He teaches strategy courses at the executive, postgraduate and undergraduate levels, together with postgraduate research methods. He has worked/is currently working with executives from Fletcher Building, Fairfax Media, TVNZ, and Fonterra.
上一篇:南京大学赵曙明教授学术讲座通知[ 03-19 ]
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