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杨利雄,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,萃英学者。主要研究领域包括公司财务、金融计量、经济大数据与机器学习理论方法等相关研究领域。(学术主页:https://github.com/lixiongyang 和 https://gitee.com/YangLixiong)

       近年来,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、重点项目子课题,国家社会科学重大项目子课题、中央高校基金项目等科研项目多项。主要研究成果以第一作者或唯一作者发表于国内外著名期刊,Econometrics Journal, Econometric Reviews, Journal of International Money and Finance , Journal of Time Series Analysis, Economics Letters, Applied Economics, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics , Empirical Economics, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,《统计研究》、《中国管理科学》、《系统工程理论与实践》等。

     期刊审稿:《经济学季刊》、《中国管理科学》、《管理学报》、Journal of Econometrics、Journal of Banking and Finance、Economics Letters、Empirical Economics、Journal of International Money and Finance、Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics、Applied Economics Letters等。






















 2009.9-2014.3  西安交通大学   博士

 2005.9-2009.7  四川大学   学士




2017. 陕西省优秀博士学位论文奖, 陕西省教育厅。

2016. 西安交通大学优秀博士学位论文奖,西安交通大学研究生院。



出版教材:《计量经济学-基于stata应用》,清华大学出版社,2024.01. 勘误表:https://github.com/lixiongyang/errata-of-econometrics

一、 英文期刊论文

      (20) Lixiong Yang, I-Po Chen, Chingnun Lee, Mingjian Ren. Panel threshold model with covariate-dependent thresholds and unobserved individual-specific threshold effects. Econometric Reviews (SSCI, ABS Grade 3), 2024, accepted.


      (19) Lixiong Yang, Liangyan Yao, Jianzu Wu. Is there a state-dependent optimal interval for firms’ R&D investment? Evidence from China[J]. Applied Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2024: 1-15.

       (18)   Lixiong Yang, Liangyan Yao, Yanli Xie. Panel kink threshold model with multiple covariate-dependent thresholds[J]. Applied Economics Letters (SSCI, ABS Grade 1), 2024: 1-4.

        (17)   Lixiong Yang, Hujie Bai, Mingjian Ren. Threshold Quantile Regression Neural Network[J]. Applied Economics Letters (SSCI, ABS Grade 1), 2023.

        (16)   Lixiong Yang. Panel threshold model with covariate-dependent thresholds and its application to the cash flow/investment relationship. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2023, accepted.

      (15) Lixiong YangVaraible selection in threshold model with a covariate-dependent threshold. Empirical Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2022, accepted.


     (14)  Lixiong Yang.  High Dimensional Threshold Model With a Time-Varying Threshold Based on Fourier Approximation. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2022, accepted.


   (13)  Lixiong Yang, ChunliZhang.  Threshold Mixed Data Sampling Models with a Covariate-Dependent Threshold. Appllied Economics Letters (SSCI, ABS Grade 1), 2022, accepted.

 (12) Lixiong YangTime-varying threshold cointegration with an application to the Fisher hypothesis. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2021, accepted.

   (11) Lixiong YangThreshold Mixed Data Sampling (TMIDAS) Regression  Models with an Application to GDP Forecast Errors. Empirical Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2021, accepted.

(10)WeiLili, Chunli Zhang, Jen-Je Su, Lixiong Yang. Panel threshold spatial Durbin models with individual fixed effects. Economics Letters,(SSCI, ABS Grade 3), 2021, (forthcoming)

    (9) Yang L, Zhang C, Lee C, Chen I-P. Panel kink threshold regression with a covariate-dependent threshold [J]. Econometrics Journal(SSCI, ABS Grade 3),  2020, forthcoming(https://doi.org/10.1093/ectj/utaa035).


  (8) Yang L, Lee C, Chen I-P. Threshold model with a time-varying threshold based on Fourier approximation [J]. Journal of Time Series Analysis, (SSCI/SCI, ABS Grade 3), 2020, forthcoming. (https://doi.org/10.1111/jtsa.12574)

(7)Lixiong Yang. State-dependent biases and the quality of China's preliminary GDP announcements[J]. Empirical Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2020, 59pages26632687.

(6)Lixiong Yang. Regression discontinuity designs with state-dependent unknown discontinuity points: Estimation and testing[J].Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2019, 23(2):1-18.
(5)Lixiong Yang, Jen-Je Su. Debt and growth: Is there a constant tipping point?[J]. Journal of International Money and Finance(SSCI, ABS Grade 3), 2018, 87:133-143.
(4)Lixiong Yang, Chingnun Lee and Jen-Je Su. Behavior of the Standard Dickey-Fuller Test When There is a Fourier-Form Break Under the Null Hypothesis[J]. Economics Letters (SSCI, ABS Grade 3), 2017, (forthcoming).
(3)Lixiong Yang. An Assessment on the quality of China's Preliminary Data of Quarterly GDP Announcements [J]. Applied Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2017, 49:5558-5569.
(2)Chingnun Lee, J-L Wu and Lixiong Yang. A Simple Panel Unit-Root Test with Smooth Breaks in the Presence of a Multifactor Error Structure[J].Oxford Bulletin Economics and Statistics(SSCI, ABS Grade 3),2016, 3(78): 365-393.
(1) Lixiong Yang, Chingnun Lee and Fushun Shie. How close a relationship does a capital market have with other such capital markets? A reexamination based on the equal variance test[J].Pacific-Basin Finance Journal(SSCI, ABS Grade 2),2014 (26):198-226.
二、 CSSCI  期刊论文

[9] 杨利雄.基于傅里叶近似的时变门槛拐点回归模型及其应用[J].数理统计与管理, 2020,已录用.
[8] 杨利雄,李庆男. 永久性结构变化下 Dickey-Fuller 检验的伪拒绝研究[J].系统工程理论与实践,2020,已录用.
[7] 杨利雄,李庆男.我国的通货膨胀与名义利率粘性:长期与短期费雪效应[J].中国管理科学,2019,2702:1-8.
[6] 杨利雄,张春丽,李庆男.基于傅里叶变换的含异质性结构突变的面板单位根检验[J].统计研究,2016,3302:86-90.
[5] 杨利 雄 ,张春丽.基于傅里叶变换的 含确定性 趋 势结构突变的 协整回归 模 型和不等方差 检验[J].统计研究,2014,3111:96-100.
[4] 杨利雄,李庆男.中国股市与国际股市联动关系的密切程度[J].山西财经大学学报,2013,3503:22-32.
[3] 杨利雄,李庆男.中国经济的区域影响力超过日本了吗——基于不等方差检验的一种衡量方法[J].南方经
[2] 杨利雄,张春丽,李庆男.平滑结构突变下 Dickey-Fuller 检验的大样本行为[J].统计研究,2013,3011:103-108.
[1] 杨利雄.IPO 锁定期、信息生产和效率[J].南方经济,2013,11:60-73.









中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,18LZUJBWZY010, 状态依赖门槛模型及其应用,主持人。
