Academic News
题 目:匿名制与社交媒体信息质量:基于自然实验的证据(User Anonymity and Information Quality of Social Media: Evidence from a Natural Experiment)
主讲人:王亚坤 助理教授
主持人:罗劲博 教授
时 间:2023年11月3日(周五)9:00-11:00
地 点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼204
以《中国网络安全法》为外生冲击,我们研究了实名认证对社交媒体中用户生成内容信息质量的影响。基于中国两个最流行的投资相关的社交媒体平台,使用双重差分法研究了实名认证政策的实施时机差异,研究发现采用实名认证政策后,处理组社交媒体平台的信息质量相较于控制组有显著提升,这表明实名认证通过监督手段能提高社交媒体平台的信息质量。进一步分析平台内不同用户群体和企业类型,我们发现该监督效应主要体现在新政策实施后继续留在社交媒体平台上的用户。而且在新政策实施后,信息质量的改善主要集中于高活跃度用户,并且此类用户也会更谨慎地在社交媒体上发布信息。在其他用户群体和公司中,我们并未发现自我审查效应能降低信息质量的证据。(Using the China Cybersecurity Law as an exogenous shock, we study the effect of real-name verification on the information quality of user-generated content on social media. Using a difference-in-differences research design that exploits the differential timing of implementation of the real-name verification policy by two most popular investment-related social media platforms in China, we find that the information quality of the treatment platform significantly improved after the adoption of the real-name verification policy over that of the control platform, consistent with real-name verification having an overall disciplining effect that enhances the platform’s information quality. Further analyses of various user groups and firm types within the platform show that the disciplining effect comes from users who stay on after the new policy. Their improvement is concentrated among the highly active users who became more prudent in posting after the policy. We do not find evidence of a self-censoring effect that lowers information quality within other user groups and firm types.)
王亚坤教授于纽约城市大学-巴鲁克商学院取得会计学博士学位,他的主要研究领域是会计信息披露,个体投资者行为,媒体与社交媒体等。他的论文发表于Journal of Accounting Research(UTD24)等顶级国际学术期刊,他主持和参与了多项国家自然科学基金项目。他目前担任香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院会计学学士项目主任,他同时担任北美华人会计学者协(CAPANA)副主席。