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至公会计论坛第34期:北京大学 张宇副教授
题 目:供应链中的绿色印象管理:公司供应商战略的披露(Green Image Management in Supply Chains: Strategic Disclosure of Corporate Suppliers)
主讲人:张 宇 副教授
主持人:罗劲博 教授
时 间:2023年10月12日(周四)9:00-11:00
地 点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼204
讲座主要介绍企业如何管理客户—供应商关系信息的披露,以帮助企业在供应链中创造有利的绿色形象。研究发现,企业会采取一些策略,即只披露与对环境责任有益处的供应商的关系,却隐瞒不利于企业环境的供应商的关系。这种战略性披露策略在ESG评级较差、更关心品牌形象和追求高标准机构所有权的等企业中尤为突出。同时,该战略性的披露往往会随着公众对气候变化意识的增强而增加,也会随着环境信息透明度规章制度的增强而减少。此外,进一步发现,对 "绿色 "供应商采取战略性披露的公司,其未来股票回报率和资产周转率都较高,这表明投资者和消费者可能并不完全了解企业此类披露的意义所在。(This paper examines how firms manage their disclosure of customer-supplier relationships to create a favorable green image in their supply chain. Our study finds strong evidence that firms strategically disclose relationships with environmentally responsible (“good”) suppliers while withholding relationships with “bad” suppliers, ceteris paribus. This strategic disclosure is particularly pronounced for firms with a worse ESG rating, a greater concern for their brand image, and a higher level of institutional ownership. Additionally, it tends to increase as public awareness of climate change grows and decreases as regulations on environmental information transparency strengthen. Furthermore, we find that firms engaging in strategic disclosure of “green” suppliers experience higher future stock returns and asset turnover, indicating that investors and consumers may not fully understand the implications of such disclosure.)
张宇,2011年本科毕业于清华大学,2017年毕业于美国普林斯顿大学,获经济学博士,现任北京大学光华学院金融学副教授。他的研究主要关注家庭金融、房地产、宏观金融和供应链金融,关于中国房地产的研究发表于Review of Financial Studies,关于企业与收入不平等的研究发表于Review of Economics and Statistics,关于供应链的信息发现功能的研究以及关于社交网络的供应链延续作用的研究发表于Production and Operations Management。