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- 学院召开学科评估工作专题会议01-07
题 目:Why Losing Your Job to Humanoid Robot Makes You Prosocial? Explanations From Construal Level and Economic Threat(为什么你的工作被人形机器人抢走会让你变得反社会?来自解释水平和经济威胁的解释)
主讲人:张昊 副教授
主持人:柳武妹 教授
时 间:2023年6月20日(周二)下午14:30-16:30
地 点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼204
With the introduction of Chat GPT and advanced AI technology, more and more people may potentially lose their jobs to AI agents. While previous research has examined how individuals feel when they or others are replaced by humans versus AI, this study specifically focuses on the replacement by different types of AI agents. In seven studies, we demonstrate that people are more willing to help others after being replaced by a humanoid robot (versus a non-humanoid robot). Consistent with the literature on construal-level and threats, we argue that an AI agent with highly humanoid features (such as Sophia, Nao, Pepper Robot) is perceived as more futuristic and does not concretely signal an economic threat to individuals. On the other hand, less humanoid AI agents (such as intelligent technological machinery) are perceived as a tangible economic threat with a higher likelihood of taking over one's work, thus signaling a greater economic threat. However, there will be no difference in people's prosocial behavior when manipulating economic threats as an intervention or when AI augments people's work instead of replacing them. This finding has implications for our understanding of human-computer interaction and the impact of technological unemployment.
张昊,韩国延世大学博士,东北大学特聘研究员、博士生导师,市场营销系主任,中国高校市场学研究会(CMAU)常务理事。担任Journal of Global Fashion Marketing领域副主编,《营销科学学报》、International Journal of Advertising等学术期刊编委。主要研究领域包括自动化心理学、产品创新管理、营销战略等领域。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项。学术研究成果发表在Journal of Product Innovation Management、European Journal of Marketing、Journal of Business Research等SSCI检索JCR 1区英文国际期刊和《管理科学》《管理学报》等中文高水平期刊。