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管理理论前沿系列讲座第42期:约克大学Christopher Moffitt Bell教授

文章来源:行政办公室 作者:周钰涵 卫旭华 审核:刘亚军 发布时间:2021年12月24日 点击数: 1028 次 字号:【

应亚洲bet57365游戏大厅战略与组织管理研究所卫旭华教授邀请,加拿大约克大学舒立克商学院Chris Bell教授将为我院师生开展学术讲座,欢迎感兴趣的师生积极参加!

主   题:Organizational De/Humanization and Mindfulness(组织(去)人性化与正念)

主讲人:Christopher Moffitt Bell 教授

主持人:王艳霞 博士

时   间:2021年12月31日(周五)上午9:00-11:00

地   点:腾讯会议(会议ID:531-665-578)


The lecture will review the constructs of organizational de/humanization and mindfulness, providing conceptual background on both and reporting on recent empirical findings. Employees will feel dehumanized by their organization if they are treated instrumentally, as tools to be used to achieve organizational goals. On the other hand, employees will feel humanized by their organization if they are treated more like feeling, thinking, experiencing persons than parts of machinery. Mindfulness is a state of personal awareness that has been associated with emotional regulation and coping skills. People may have a mindful disposition, but can also train themselves to be mindful through practices such as meditation and yoga. Empirical findings of recent research show that while dispositional mindfulness without training can act as a psychological resource in coping with dehumanization, mindfulness of people who have received training is negatively associated with organizational commitment. We explain these findings by proposing that mindful training provides more than just cognitive / emotional skills, it also encourages a humanizing perspective that conflicts with organizational culture of dehumanization and corresponds with a humanizing culture.(本讲座将会回顾组织去人性化和正念构念,介绍两者的概念背景,并报告最近的实证研究结果。如果员工被当作实现组织目标的工具来对待,他们会感到被组织剥夺了人性。另一方面,如果员工被对待得更像一个能感受、思考、体验的人,而不是机器的零件,那么他们就会感到组织的人性化。正念是一种与情绪调节和应对技能相关的个人意识状态。人们可能有正念倾向,但也可以通过冥想和瑜伽等练习来训练自己正念。最近的实证研究结果表明,虽然没有受过训练的正念可以作为应对非人化的心理资源,但受过训练的人的正念与组织承诺呈负相关。我们解释这些发现时提出,正念训练提供的不仅仅是认知/情感技能,它还鼓励人性化的观点,这种观点与非人性化的组织文化相冲突,与人性化的文化相对应。)


Dr. Christopher Moffitt Bell,加拿大约克大学舒立克商学院终身教授,湖南师范大学“潇湘学者”讲座教授。主要研究领域为:组织公平、人性化、伦理、认同和包括嫉妒、羞愧、内疚在内的道德情感。在Journal of Organizational Behavior、Journal of Business Ethics、Human Relations、Journal of Personality and Social Psychology等权威期刊上发表多篇高水平论文。担任国际公正研究学会期刊Social Justice Research的副主编以及Journal of Business Ethics、Journal of Organizational Behavior 的特刊编辑,其研究多次获得加拿大社会科学和人文科学研究理事会(SSHRC)的资助。
