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12th Asia Academy of Management Conference
Call for Papers
New Challenges for Management: The Asia-Pacific View
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2021
Conference Dates: June 12-13, 2022
Program Co-Chairs:
Li-Qun WEI,Hong Kong Baptist University
Chi-Sum WONG, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jianzu WU, Lanzhou University, China
Local Host:
School of Management, Lanzhou University, China
Conference Venue:
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
(Suggested accommodation: Legend Hotel, Lanzhou, China)
Executive Officer:
Dr. Alison CHAN
The Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) invite papers for its 12th biennial conference on the theme of “New Challenges for Management: The Asia-Pacific View” and relevant management studies with Asia relevance.
In the past few years, the world has witnessed at least two critical developmental trends that may have profound influence in the history of mankind. The first is a fundamental change in the nature of relationship between China and the Western countries, especially for the Sino-US relationship. The second is the outbreak of COVID-19, an almost “perfect” virus since the end of 2019. Undoubtedly, these two trends will create new and very uncertain challenges for all kind of organizations. We are particularly interested to see how management scholars are studying management issues due to these challenges. More importantly, we welcome research that have insights for responses to these challenges from the general management perspective mainly in the academic areas of entrepreneurship, international business, human resource management, organizational behavior, strategic management and other management related areas. Management studies with Asia relevance are particularly welcome. Conceptual, theory‐building, or empirical papers from these areas are all suitable for the conference.
The conference program will consist of keynote speeches, academic panels, competitive paper sessions, and interactive poster sessions. All panel and paper submissions will be competitively reviewed. We will also offer Professional Development Workshops (PDWs), consisting of (1) PhD consortium, and (2) research methods workshops.
Important Note: As this conference will be held in China, authors can write their papers in either English or Chinese. However, all submissions will be reviewed by the same level of rigor. If the papers are written in English, they should be submitted to the English review panel (aaom2022.conference@gmail.com). Papers written in Chinese should be submitted to the Chinese review panel (aaom2022@lzu.edu.cn)—please do not submit one paper to both. For details of submission, please see AAOM submission guidelines below.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE is November 15, 2021(before midnight, Hong Kong time)
Registration fee
All AAOM conference participants will pay the registration fee. Early bird fee is HK$3200 (approximately US$400). Doctoral students may pay a reduced fee of HK$1600 (approximately US$200). Conference registration fees also include a two‐year complimentary AAOM full membership and subscription of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management (APJM), the official journal of AAOM. Doctoral students and participants from low‐income countries may apply for reduced fees—please directly consult with the AAOM Secretariat: wongcs@cuhk.edu.hk.
If participants with accepted papers are not able to present their work due to travel restriction during the conference period, they can attend through online means. To better prepare for this contingency, participants should submit powerpoint file with verbal presentation to the program organizers before the conference date. Participants can get online in their scheduled session and discuss with other participants.
· Submissions should follow the style of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management for formatting, with 12 size font and double space (main text only). Please note APJM’s header and references format (similar to the APA style). The maximum length is 40 pages (all inclusive).
· Please submit in one email:
o The paper without self-identifying information. Page 1 should contain title (in ALL CAPS), abstract (100-200 words), and key words—but should contain no information about authors (please be sure to delete information about your name and school from the Word document’s “properties”). Mark your track (such as Business Policy and Strategy [BPS] or Organizational Behavior [OB]) on the upper right corner of page 1. Page 2 should be the first page of your text. Number all your pages, and the last page cannot exceed page 40.
o A separate title page with information about the title (in ALL CAPS) and all authors (name, affiliation, country, and email)—with corresponding author clearly designated. Please mark your track (such as Business Policy and Strategy [BPS] or Organizational Behavior [OB]) on the upper right corner of this title page.
o Please name your submissions by the 2-3-letter track acronymlast name of first author first substantive word of your title (excluding “a” and “the”). Differentiate the two documents as “text” or “title,” such as “BPS_Peng_global_text” or “OMT_Ahlstrom_asia_title.”
o For your email subject line, please use the title of your documents consisting of the 2-3-letter track acronym_last name of first author_first substantive word of your title (but without “text” or “title”), such as “HRM_Takeuchi_management” or “IM_Yi_multinational.”
· Manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word should be submitted electronically to: aaom2022.conference@gmail.com (English papers), or aaom2022@lzu.edu.cn (Chinese papers). Do not send submissions directly to the Track Chairs.
· The papers that are submitted should not have been published by the time of the conference.
· All papers will go through a double-blind review process managed by the Track Chairs. Accepted papers will be assigned to paper presentation or interactive paper sessions by the Program Chair and uploaded to the AAOM conference website with a password given to the registered conference participants.
· Abstracts of the papers presented at the conference will be published on the conference website as conference proceedings.
· At least one of the authors must register before the deadline of registration, attend and present the paper in person at the conference. Otherwise, the paper will not be included in the conference program. If absence from a scheduled meeting is unavoidable, participants must contact the AAOM Secretariat (wongcs@cuhk.edu.hk) as early as possible and pursue suitable alternative arrangements.
· Each panel proposal should include:
o A title page that includes the names and contact information for all participants and identifies their roles along with the information on which track that the panel fits. This should be numbered page 1 of the panel proposal. Be sure to number all pages of the submission.
o An abstract, 100-200 words, that summarizes the panel.
An overview statement of the main issues in the panel.
An explanation of why the panel should be of interest to AAOM members.
A description of the session format (e.g., pro and contra debate, roundtable, professional development workshop).
Any special room setup or technical requirement that the panel requires (please note that the feasibility of these requirements will be part of the evaluation criteria).
A 1-to-3 page synopsis of each activity (e.g., two contrarian opinions, questions that the panellists will be addressing, training activities).
Emails or signed letters from each participant, indicating s/he will participate if the panel is accepted.
· Each panel proposals should be no more than 6,000 words, inclusive of all materials.
· Each proposal must state, on its first page at the top right, the requested Track and Panel Session Format. In addition to the six traditional Tracks, it is possible to position your Panel proposal to be based on the Conference theme—please indicate this as a “Conference Theme-Based Panel” on the first page.
· Please prepare one document for each proposal—this is different from the paper submission, which requires two documents (one title page and one manuscript that has no self-identifying information).
· Please name your panel submissions by the 2-3-letter track acronym_PANEL_last name of panel chair/organizer_first substantive word of your title (excluding “a” and “the”), such as “ENT_PANEL_Ananthram_entrepreneurs.” Please also use the file name as your submission email subject line, such as “OB_PANEL_Yun_individuals.”
· Only panel proposals prepared in Microsoft Word will be considered. They should be submitted electronically to: aaom2022.conference@gmail.com (English panels) or aaom2022@lzu.edu.cn(Chinese panels).
· While designing the Panel, please keep in mind that sessions at the AAOM conference are constrained to 75 minutes. Only panellists that will appear in person at the conference should be listed in the submission.
If you have any questions regarding your AAOM paper and/or panel submissions, please consult with Program Co-Chair Chi-Sum Wong (wongcs@cuhk.edu.hk). General information about AAOM can be found on the website: www.aaom.asia.
(I) AAOM PhD Consortium
Final year doctoral students are strongly encouraged to participate the PhD consortium held on the day before the regular conference (i.e., June 11, 2022). Interested students should submit an extended abstract (about 1000 words) of their dissertation proposal to Professor Xuhua WEI (aaom2022@lzu.edu.cn). The abstract can be prepared either in English or Chinese. Established management scholars will lead the discussion of their dissertation proposal in small groups. Doctoral students accepted to attend the PhD consortium need to register for the conference and pay the registration fees. Lanzhou University can support their accommodation for the conference period. Students from China Mainland can also get supports for the traveling expenses with local standards.
PhD Consortium ChairS
Jane Wenzhen LU, (City University of Hong Kong)
Jianzu WU, (Lanzhou University)
Journal editors, experienced reviewers and prominent scholars in research methodology will be invited to present relevant experiences in journal submission and specific research methodology and analytical methods.
[NOTE: Do not send submissions to the Track Chairs, all paper and panel submissions must be sent directly to the Program Co-Chairs at aaom2022.conference@gmail.com (English submissions) or aaom2022@lzu.edu.cn (Chinese Submissions)]
1. Business Policy and Strategy (BPS)
Lin CUI, Australia National University, Australia (lin.cui@anu.edu.au)
Xufei MA, Tsinghua University, China (maxufei@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn)
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ENT)
Seung-Hyun LEE, UT-Dallas, USA(lee.1085@utdallas.edu)
Li TIAN, Nankai University, China (tianli@nankai.edu.cn)
3. Human Resource Management (HRM)
David FAN, Swinburne U. of Technology, Australia(dfan@swin.edu.au)
Norihiko Takeuchi, Waseda University, Japan (ntake@waseda.jp)
4. International Management (IM)
Hinrich VOSS, HEC Montreal, Canada (hinrich.voss@hec.ca)
Tian WEI, Fudan University, China (weitian@fudan.edu.cn)
5. Organization and Management Theory (OMT)
Zhi HUANG, University of Kentucky, USA (ZHU238@uky.edu)
Christine CHAN, University of Hong Kong (cmkchan@hku.hk)
6. Organizational Behavior (OB)
Rico LAM, Macau U., Macau (ricolam@um.edu.mo)
Ho Kwong KWAN, CEIBS (kwanhokwong@ceibs.edu)
论坛1. 战略管理
李炜文(Weiwen LI), 中山大学
论坛2. 国际商务
张骁(Xiao ZHANG), 南京大学
论坛3. 组织行为
彭正敏(Kelly Z. PENG), 香港树仁大学
论坛4. 人力资源管理
刘艳(Yan LIU),武汉大学
论坛5. 公共部门及非盈利组织管理
刘帮成(Bangcheng LIU), 上海交通大学
稿件以中文形式呈现,需完整包含标题、摘要、正文、图表、参考文献等内容。格式要求请参照Asia Pacific Journal of Management。
请使用Microsoft Word软件编辑文稿,将稿件全文电子版发送至邮箱aaom2022@lzu.edu.cn,邮件标题请注明“中文论坛+投稿领域+论文题目”或者“博士生论坛+投稿领域+论文题目”,附件请以“投稿领域+论文题目”命名。
AAOM在会议期间也将举办博士生论坛,届时将邀请亚洲管理研究领域的知名专家学者,根据博士生的研究情况,进行学术指导和交流反馈。博士生论坛需要博士生提交完整的中文或英文研究论文(要求参考前面的投稿指南)或者博士论文研究提案, 稿件应电邮给卫旭华教授(aaom2022@lzu.edu.cn)。除了注册费以外,没有额外的注册费用,我们将全额资助入选的境外论文作者(第一作者)会议期间食宿,为境内论文作者(第一作者)报销参会往返交通费(按照高铁二等座或普通列车硬卧的标准报销,请保留好相关票据,以作为报销凭证),并全额资助会议期间食宿。未尽事宜,请邮件或电话垂询。
吕文珍(Jane Wenzhen Lu), 香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong)
吴建祖(Jianzu Wu), 亚洲bet57365游戏大厅(Lanzhou University)
吴建祖(Jianzu Wu), 亚洲bet57365游戏大厅(Lanzhou University)
卫旭华(Xuhua Wei), 亚洲bet57365游戏大厅(Lanzhou University)
王宇(Yu Wang), 亚洲bet57365游戏大厅(Lanzhou University)
罗肖依(Xiaoyi Luo), 亚洲bet57365游戏大厅(Lanzhou University)
王艳霞(Yanxia Wang), 亚洲bet57365游戏大厅(Lanzhou University)
牛琬婕(Wanjie Niu), 亚洲bet57365游戏大厅(Lanzhou University)
郭晟豪(Shenghao Guo), 亚洲bet57365游戏大厅(Lanzhou University)
Call for Papers - 12th Asia Academy of Management Conference.pdf