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- 王康周教授获批国家重点研发计划课题01-07
- 学院召开学科评估工作专题会议01-07
主题:Analysis of Singapore’s Energy/Climate Policies and Their Achievements
主讲人:苏斌 研究员
主持人:张国兴 教授
讲座地点:腾讯会议(会议 ID:729 281 679)
会议直播地址: https://meeting.tencent.com/l/3Vnr9odek8KJ
Singapore is an island city state. It lacks conventional energy resources and is alternative energy disadvantaged. In 2007, a high-level inter-ministerial committee on climate change (IMCCC) was established to drive the whole-of-government effort to develop mitigation strategies. Many measures have since been developed and implemented, including using cleaner energy sources, improving industrial energy efficiency, promoting greening buildings, shifting travel demand to low-emission modes, improving energy performance standards of household appliances, and reducing emissions from waste and waste water treatment. This talk will review the energy and climate policies in Singapore and discuss the quantitative analyses on measuring the achievements of different energy/climate policies in Singapore.
苏斌 (Dr. Su Bin) ,新加坡国立大学能源研究所高级研究员,能源与环境研究中心副主任,能源系统建模团队负责人,同时担任新加坡节能和低碳路径发展研究项目总负责人。主要研究领域为能源和环境经济与政策、能源与气候变化、能源环境系统建模和分析,在能源和环境相关的国际期刊上已发表SCI/SSCI论文90多篇,其中ESI高被引文章近30篇,研究工作被引用5000多次,入选科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics) 2018年全球高被引科学家(交叉领域Top 1%)和2019年全球高被引科学家(经济与商业Top 1%)。现任Energy Economics (SSCI) 期刊副主编和客座主编,Applied Energy (SCI) 期刊客座主编,Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI) 期刊客座主编,Reports on Economics and Finance 和Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment期刊编委,《环境经济研究》和《中国石油大学学报(社科版)》期刊编委,以及80多个国际期刊审稿人。在新加坡主持和参与二十多项能源环境相关的政府研究项目,获得新加坡环境与水资源部、贸易与工业部、外交部、经济发展局、国家环境署、能源市场管理局、海运和港口管理局、气候变化秘书处、国家研究基金会等政府部门资金支持。