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文章来源:行政办公室 作者:周钰涵 审核:屠兴勇 发布时间:2020年10月14日 点击数: 字号:【


主题: Person-Job Fit as a Dynamic State: Antecedents and Consequences of Changes in Person-Job Fit

主讲人:蔡亚华 副教授

主持人:屠兴勇 副教授




Fit is generally conceptualized as a dynamic construct, but most research on person-environment fit has focused on fit in the current moment. We addressed this oversight by examining the dynamic relationships among person-job (PJ) fit, demand-ability (DA) fit,need-supply (NS) fit, and employee work attitudes over time using a three-wave survey design over a 12-month period. Results from 168 employees revealed that change in PJ fit was significantly related to changes in job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. In addition, DA and NS fit changes were significantly and indirectly associated with job satisfaction and commitment changes through PJ fit change. We also found that increases in job demands and employee abilities significantly decreased DA fit, and increases in employee needs significantly decreased NS fit whereas increases in job supplies significantly increased NS fit. Finally, we examined age as an important moderator for employees’ reactions to PJ fit changes, and found that younger employees reacted more strongly to increases/decreases in PJ fit than did older employees.


蔡亚华,管理学博士,上海财经大学商学院副教授、人力资源系副主任;研究方向:组织行为学与人力资源管理。面向本科生,硕士生,MBA,博士生等开设领导力、组织行为学、战略人力资源管理、管理学研究方法等课程。近年先后在Journal  of Applied Psychology,Journal  of Management Studies、Asia Pacific Journal of Management、 Frontier in  Psychology、 Asia Business &Management、管理世界、心理学报等国内外期刊发表论文十余篇,现主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,主持Emerald IACMR International Advanced Chinese Management Research Fund 项目一项,参加国家自然科学基金重点/面上项目三项。
