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主讲人:米志付 副教授
主持人:张国兴 教授
讲座地点:腾讯会议( 会议ID:179 383 352)
会议直播地址: https://meeting.tencent.com/l/NYQ6X9oCAAYX
There are substantial differences in carbon footprints across households. This study applied an environmentally extended multiregional input–output approach to estimate household carbon footprints for 12 different income groups of China’s 30 regions. Subsequently, carbon footprint Gini coefficients were calculated to measure carbon inequality for households across provinces. We found that the top 5% of income earners were responsible for 17% of the national household carbon footprint in 2012, while the bottom half of income earners caused only 25%. Carbon inequality declined with economic growth in China across space and time in two ways: first, carbon footprints showed greater convergence in the wealthier coastal regions than in the poorer inland regions; second, China’s national carbon footprint Gini coefficients declined from 0.44 in 2007 to 0.37 in 2012. We argue that economic growth not only increases income levels but also contributes to an overall reduction in carbon inequality in China.
米志付博士,现为英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)副教授,伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)高级访问学者。担任SCI期刊Journal of Cleaner Production执行主编,SSCI期刊Structural Change and Economic Dynamics共同主编。研究方向为气候变化经济学、能源政策和投入产出分析。在Science Advances、Nature Energy、Nature Geoscience、Nature Sustainability等期刊发表SCI/SSCI论文50余篇。入选福布斯欧洲“30位30岁以下”精英榜单。荣获中国经济学优秀博士论文奖,世界可持续发展奖,Nature Communications地球与行星科学前50名论文奖,中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文奖,Geophysical Research Letters高被引论文奖,Environmental Research Letters最佳青年学者论文奖,Applied Energy高被引原创论文奖。多次受邀参加联合国可持续发展大会和联合国气候变化大会。