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时 间:2015年11月21日(星期六)9:00
地 点:亚洲bet57365游戏大厅榆中校区天山堂B106
主讲人:Guoray Cai
主 题:Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Crystallisation
简 介:
Dr. Guoray Cai is an affiliate faculty with the Information Management Institute and a ‘CuiYing’ visiting professor at Lanzhou University. Dr. Cai is an Associate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State University. He is the founding director of the Spatial Information and Intelligence Laboratory, which is housed in the College of IST. He is also a member of GeoVISTA center and Center for Human-Computer Interaction, and NEVAC. Dr. Cai conducts research in the areas of information retrieval, geographical information science, human-computer interaction (human-computer dialogue systems), visual analytics, geocollaboration and geodeliberation.