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香港浸会大学MICHAEL N. YOUNG副教授学术讲座通知
应亚洲bet57365游戏大厅邀请,香港浸会大学MICHAEL N. YOUNG副教授授将于10月22日为我院教师及研究生进行学术讲座,欢迎广大师生届时参加。
讲座题目: How to Write Good Cases and Use them Effectively in the Classroom with Chinese Students.
内容简介: With the information explosion, it is no longer sufficient for business schools to pass along information or even knowledge as much information is freely available on the Internet. In the past, when an educator’s main job was to impart knowledge it was sufficient to lecture. In the modern era, this teaching technique is no longer adequate. To produce successful business-people, it is necessary to change the way that students interact with their environment. This includes improving students’ critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills, motivation and self-confidence. The case study method, sometimes referred to as student-oriented learning methodology, has been proven as one of the best methods for achieving these goals. But teaching with cases is not easy. Many teachers are more comfortable falling back on the easy lecture teaching method. In this presentation, Professor Michael Young will share his experience in writing and teaching effectively with business cases.
Professor Young has written over 15 cases along with teaching notes for use in the classroom. These cases have been published by Ivey Business School, Harvard Business School and top-selling management and marketing textbooks. His cases have been among the top-sellers for Ivey Business School. Likewise, some of his cases are not popular and have not been effective. In addition, he has 20 years of experience in teaching with cases. He has delivered this presentation before the audience at Renmin University at the Annual Chinese Business Management Case Forum. Professor Young will share his experience by explaining what has worked (and not worked) for him in writing and teaching with cases. This presentation is suitable for present or future teachers, students or anyone interesting in improving business education in China.
Since 2006 Hong Kong Baptist University. Associate Professor of Management. Currently serving as Associate Director of MBA and MScBM Programmes
1999-2006 Chinese University of Hong Kong. Assistant Professor of Management.
1993-1998 University of Connecticut. Instructor & Research Assistant.
1990-1993 West Virginia State University. Department of Economics. Instructor.
1990 West Virginia Governor's Office of Industrial Development. Planner II.
1988-1989 University of Connecticut, Department of Economics. Teaching Assistant.
1987-1988 West Virginia Department of Employment Security. Labor Market Analyst.
1987 Banc One. Charleston, West Virginia. Collection Adjuster.
1985, 1986 West Virginia Governor's Office of Community and Industrial Development. Cooperative-education intern.
1999 University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. Ph.D. - business administration with concentration in strategic management.
1989 University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. M.A. - economics with concentration in labor economics.
1986 West Virginia State University. Institute, WV. B.A. - economics with minor in business administration.