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香港浸会大学教授Michael Young讲座通知

文章来源: 作者: 审核: 发布时间:2013年03月15日 点击数: 750 次 字号:【
        应亚洲bet57365游戏大厅院长包国宪教授邀请,香港浸会大学Michael N. Young教授将于3月14日上午来我校进行学术交流并作学术讲座,欢迎广大师生届时参加。 
        题目:Problems Encountered by Chinese Organizations during Modernization: The Case of Computime 
        主讲人:Michael N. Young教授 
Since 2006-School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University. Associate Professor of Management. Associate Director of MBA and MScBM Programmes. 
1999-2006 Chinese University of Hong Kong. Assistant Professor of Management. 
1993-1998 University of Connecticut. Instructor & Research Assistant. 
1990-1993 West Virginia State University. Department of Economics. Instructor. 
1990 West Virginia Governor's Office of Industrial Development. Planner II. 
1988-1989 University of Connecticut, Department of Economics. Teaching Assistant.
1987-1988 West Virginia Department of Employment Security. Labor Market Analyst.
1987 Banc One. Charleston, West Virginia. Collection Adjuster.
1985-1986 West Virginia Governor's Office of Community and Industrial Development. Cooperative-education intern.

1999 University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. Ph.D. - business administration with concentration in strategic management.
1989 University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. M.A. - economics with concentration in labor economics.
1986 West Virginia State University. Institute, WV. B.A. - economics with minor in business

The main subjects of the current research: Strategic Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Principles of Management; Principles of Economics (micro & macro), Basic Business Research.

Research grants
HK $99,840. Corporate Entrepreneurship in China: The Role of the CEO. Competitively awarded and directly allocated from the School of Business Administration, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2011.
HK $70,680.Determinants of Organizational Innovation: The Perspective of Corporate Elites. Competitively awarded and directly allocated from the School of Business Administration, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006.
HK $30,000. Strategic Planning Among Chinese Firms. Competitively awarded and directly allocated by the School of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.

Professional memberships: Academy of Management; Asia Academy of Management; International Association of Chinese Management Researchers (IACMR); Strategic Management Society; Eastern Academy of Management; Interdisciplinary Students of Organizations; American Association of University Professors.

Publications: 34 articles and 54 cases or case books. Including:
1. Young, Michael N., Gary Bruton, David Ahlstrom & Yuri Rubanik (2011). What do firms from Emerging Economies want from their strategic alliance partners? Business Horizons. 54: 163-174.
2. Young, Michael N., Mike W. Peng, David Ahlstrom, Garry Bruton & Yi Jiang (2008). Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: A Review of the Principal-Principal Perspective. Journal of Management Studies. 45(1): 196-220.
3. Young, Michael N., David Ahlstrom & Garry Bruton (2004). The Globalization of Corporate Governance in East Asia: The Transnational Solution. Management International Review.44(S): 31-50.
4. Wei, Liqun, Michael N. Young & Zhihui Wang (2003). A Test of Upper Echelons Theory in the People’s Republic of China. Best Paper Proceedings (top 10%) of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. (Nominated for the IM Division’s Douglas Nigh Award for an important research question concerning international business theory and practice).